
Deployment method

Small Medium Businesses are often faced with the dilemma whether they should go for a hosted, on-premise or in the cloud solutions. There is really no right or wrong answer but companies need to assess their business needs and infrastructure before making a decision.

Deployment method comparison

N’ware offers business management solutions with flexible deployment methods that provide: Choice, Ease and Flexibility!

On Premise Hosted Cloud
License Yes Monthly Fees No
Subscription No No Yes
Customer / System Access In House Remote Remote – Only as a Service
Data Base Server At your facility Remote per Contact Remote
Server Customer SAP / Partner SAP
Server Connection Internal & External Wireless via Internet or External Cable, Citrix, Terminal Services Software External Connections
Hardware Provisioning, Maintenance & Upgrades Customer SAP / Partners SAP
Software Upgrades Customer Customer / SAP / Partners SAP

What you should know before making a decision ?

  • Security? Do you share the server with others?
  • Control and compliance?
  • What processes are in place to correct problems quickly?
  • Is there back-up and redundancy?
  • Speed and reliability?
  • Back up strategy?
  • Redundancy plans?
  • Fees for upgrades, maintenance?
  • Cost of server and server repairs?
  • Cost of labor to maintain and repair. Cost of any leasing agreements?


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